Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Where I should be right now.

As I write this I am skiving running. I should be out running right now, or even walking. But I'm not. Not today.
I didn't go to Zumba yesterday either. I have also eaten ridiculous amounts of cookies, cupcakes and chips due to the aforementioned company. I'm hoping, that somehow it is all going to be ok but I'm not so sure. Realistically this week can't be as bad as last week but this is not in the spirit of my previous 'back on the wagon' post, is it?!! I have managed to not to binge in the last two days. I managed this by overeating at meals, you see, but I do not count that as the same thing. It is considerably easier to cut back on portions, or to just eat everything in public so you control portions by peer pressure than it is to get out of the secret bingeing habits. Thus we have progress!
I'm not sure why I'm not running. I feel bloated from the excesses of the last few days. I am feeling frustrated with my lack of weight loss and several other aspects of my life. It's cold and grey and I think it might rain soon. None of these are good excuses, though, are they? Tomorrow I will run and do a weighted walk and possibly another walk on top of that if I can manage it. I will do weights and some other exercises tonight in the hopes of salvaging something. I'm tired and feeling demotivated. I need to lose something this week or I'm not sure how to handle the next week any more. At least I will be back in a routine next week which helps me ENORMOUSLY with everything.
I need to find some better inspiration. Either inspirational quotes or pictures or songs or something! Any suggestions?!

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