Sunday, 21 April 2013

Week 11

I think my scales are broken. Partially because of the result I got, but mostly because at various points when I stepped on them they cut out completely. BUT. Despite the fact that I think they are broken or, more likely, have run out of batteries, it did give me the exact same result every time I tried to get them to work. So, I am going to give the scales the benefit of the doubt and go with their result because there HAS to be a benefit to losing almost my whole weekend to the stomach bug of doom. Todays result? 12 stone 11 pounds 2 ounces. 12.11.2. This is good! Although it does also mean that in five long, long, loooong weeks I have only lose 1 lb. I maintained, maintained, put on then dropped. And in those looooong weeks the only thing I have to show is a 1 lb loss. All the same, I will take these little victories where I can get them. My stomach bug has inspired me (!) to keep at the weight loss and I want to be 12 stone 10 by my week 12 weigh in. Yes, I do. I will be. It will have been a long time coming, but I want to have made it down to that official three stone down. Very hard to imagine!

Without much further ado, this weeks pictures are below. I apologise in advance for the hideous underwear, please consider this my "I've just recovered from a stomach bug and forgot that I was taking photos to commemorate my weight loss today" underwear:

What do you think, any noticeable difference?

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