Sunday, 28 April 2013

Week 12

Sorry I am a bit late with this post, just been a busy day! After everything and attending the gym by osmosis this week I can report that I have stayed the same. On the plus side this means that my scales were still working even though they had run out of batteries last week, although on the down side I have not lost any more weight. I am still 12 stone 11.
Obligatory side views below. I think I am definitely starting to notice a difference. I can see it mainly in my legs (which are not in the photos below, obviously, haha) but I assume then that there must be a difference elsewhere and it is just more difficult to see when you are looking at you! The stretch marks and cellulite kill me though. When I have lost the weight the first thing I do (even before laser hair removal surgery on my side burns, thanks PCOS!) is to sort that out. There is no point having a killer body and not wanting to look at it;

 Maybe next time I'll post leg photos so you can see those too. I think that because most of my exercise is leg based that the muscles there have developed more than elsewhere (which makes sense).

I have been looking back through and I can see that I have lost 8 pounds since I started 12 weeks ago, and I have officially been in the 12 stones for 6 weeks. Yeesh. That looks both good and bad. It has been very s l o o w going but at least it has been happening. The odd pound I could call off as water weight but more than half a stone and over three months is positive, definite weight loss, am I right? Looking back at the photos I think I can see a minor difference in my back fat and possibly a slight decrease in the top incline of my stomach. Dear God in Heaven I can't wait until I am never able to speak of stomach in terms of inclines ever again. At the same time, at the rate of losing 2 pounds a week I could have lost 24 pounds by now - doesn't look so good any more does it... That I could be 16 pounds lighter if I were a normal non-PCOSer is beyond demotivating. 24 pounds is nearly 2 stone, for crying out loud! What with the gym to kick start me and the brighter weather meaning I can get out and about more it will happen. Six weeks until my birthday - I could lose another 12 pounds by then!!!! 11 stone 13 would be divine.

I do have a plan for this week! I am bound and determined that 12 stone 10 is in my grasp. The official three stone down goal point and I am so desperate to get my eyebrows done - it is like looking through a curtain! I have an added pressure now that in a few weeks I am going to see some old friends and I want to knock their socks off. I'm not sure they'll notice but I'll feel better just knowing. I've joined the gym now and I'm going to chase up my free personal trainer appointment tomorrow. Hopefully we can schedule that for Thursday. On Wednesday I am going to go swimming for an hour and maybe to a class if I can book one or I'll do an hour on something in the gym. Friday I will do whatever workout the personal trainer gives me and an hour in the pool and probably the same on Saturday. In the evenings I will go for my usual walk or run and I also have zumba on Monday night. Sounds good, right? Keep all your fingers crossed for me.

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