I feel sick. I started this blog a year and a half ago weighing 13 stone 5. I weighed myself this morning at 13 stone 4. I worked so hard to lose more than two stone. More. Than. Two. Stone. And where did it get me? No fucking where.
I've just re-read a post where I was 8 lbs from 10 stone 10. 8 lbs. Just 8 tiny pounds. Now here I am, 28 lbs away from that. What a waste. A waste of time, effort, everything. I'm disgusted with myself. I know how I got here though and I know how to get back. Now I just have to get back.
On the plus side, I'm a fitter 13 stone 4. I'm about to run a half marathon and I can see that the fat sits differently on my body than it did last time around. God, last time around I swore I'd never see these numbers again. Well.
I've done it before, I can do it again. Here goes. 13 stone 4 and counting down. Again.