Sunday, 17 November 2013

4 stone lost!

Today's scale reading:

Officially 4 stone down, however I had a pizza for dinner last night (bad girl) and I think there may still be some residual cheese/salt bloating. Also my period is still clinging on for one last day, so I think there is a possibility that I might lose a few more ounces if I weigh myself tomorrow. I think that will be my plan! 
New progress photos:

I got all emotional thinking about being 11 stone 5, and realising that would make me 2 stone less than when I started this blog.I have done some comparison photos, as I like seeing them, but I am excited to do the next set when I will have lost 2 stone from the beginning of the blog. These are today's comparison photos, today's weight on the right, and the photos from 13 stone 5 (side) and 13 stone 1 (front/back) on the left:

This is the first time I've been able to notice a real stomach difference. It just seems really noticeable here, on the side views, and I know that I have even been noticing little differences in real life so I'm pleased and long may that continue.

Right, well, I'm continuing with the exercise (shaved 2 mins 20 secs off my personal best at the 5km run yesterday :-) ) and NOT BINGEING. I've decided this is non-negotiable and I'm working now on reducing the over-eating that I do to break the binge habit. I'm pleased with my progress this week, though, and I have even been able to eat my way around a few treats (plain chow mein and prawn crackers from the chinese takeaway on Friday, and a personal Domino's cheese & tomato pizza with a few wedges yesterday) - I said when I started this that it was a 'weight loss journey' but also a 'path to healthy habits'. That means something I can sustain my entire life and that means periodically eating treats without everything going to hell in a handbasket so I'm proud of myself. Another pound down! Four stone from the beginning - it is hard to remember being 15 stone 10 now. I'm so happy.

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