Sunday, 24 November 2013

Week 42 - good news!

I've worked so hard not to binge this week and it's starting to pay off! First of all, I feel much more in control which helps in many physical and psychological ways.  Secondly, I managed to beat my personal best in the 5k again this week. Thirdly, I've saved so much money by not buying binge food. Finally, I've lost 3lbs. Yeah, baby!

11 stone 7, and that's yesterday and today just to make sure! If I can keep it up and lose even 1 lb a week I can be 2 stone down by the end of the first week of December!!! A part of me wants to hit 11 stone and a normal bmi rating by the end of the year, you know, start 2014 as I mean to go on - a healthy weight! However, slow and steady wins the race and I know putting too much pressure on myself makes me want to binge and that's not an option.
I'm going to carry on with plenty of exercise and working hard to stay strong and not binge this week. A binge free week is what I'm aiming for and the weight loss will come in its own time!!

I'm going to take and post photos later just to mark the occasion.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

4 stone lost!

Today's scale reading:

Officially 4 stone down, however I had a pizza for dinner last night (bad girl) and I think there may still be some residual cheese/salt bloating. Also my period is still clinging on for one last day, so I think there is a possibility that I might lose a few more ounces if I weigh myself tomorrow. I think that will be my plan! 
New progress photos:

I got all emotional thinking about being 11 stone 5, and realising that would make me 2 stone less than when I started this blog.I have done some comparison photos, as I like seeing them, but I am excited to do the next set when I will have lost 2 stone from the beginning of the blog. These are today's comparison photos, today's weight on the right, and the photos from 13 stone 5 (side) and 13 stone 1 (front/back) on the left:

This is the first time I've been able to notice a real stomach difference. It just seems really noticeable here, on the side views, and I know that I have even been noticing little differences in real life so I'm pleased and long may that continue.

Right, well, I'm continuing with the exercise (shaved 2 mins 20 secs off my personal best at the 5km run yesterday :-) ) and NOT BINGEING. I've decided this is non-negotiable and I'm working now on reducing the over-eating that I do to break the binge habit. I'm pleased with my progress this week, though, and I have even been able to eat my way around a few treats (plain chow mein and prawn crackers from the chinese takeaway on Friday, and a personal Domino's cheese & tomato pizza with a few wedges yesterday) - I said when I started this that it was a 'weight loss journey' but also a 'path to healthy habits'. That means something I can sustain my entire life and that means periodically eating treats without everything going to hell in a handbasket so I'm proud of myself. Another pound down! Four stone from the beginning - it is hard to remember being 15 stone 10 now. I'm so happy.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Week 40 - Back on the Bandwagon

Well, it has been an interesting couple of weeks. Two days after the last post I wrote I weighed myself and it was 11 stone 10. This was very exciting, but didn't stick around. Nothing majorly bad happened, but binges came back and so my eating habits and exercise habits slipped enormously. Particularly this last week I really didn't feel like exercising, and I went to McDonalds at least twice and stuffed myself. It left me feeling sluggish and even less motivated to stick with anything. I've gotten back into the exercise, though. On Friday I did a fun exercise DVD with a friend and Saturday I did a 5 km run. Today I am going to go out for a run too and then I'll be back at the gym tomorrow - minus a stop off at McDonalds! I'm breaking that habit.

I've managed to pull myself back into my good eating habits too. Do you want to know how? A magic muffin. Yes, I have managed to prevent binges by eating a muffin. My mother and nephew made healthy fruit muffins and gave me a week's worth. I took one into work along with my usual food. It got to break time and my mind went to 'let's binge on cake and crisps and because you've already messed up you can go into McDonald's after work ahahahaha'. I reminded myself that I had an exciting muffin and this completely removed my binge thinking. I had to do some re-thinking of my eating plan though, as I sat down and worked out my calorie allowances. This re-working, however, allowed me the extra calories to eat my extra muffin. Woohoo! I am sticking to a limit of 1500-1750. This is what I ate:

1 banana chocolate muffin - 135
1 banana - 100
1 chocolate chip cookie - 170
1 magic muffin - ?
Handful of banana chips - 50
1 portion of stir fry - 350
1 chia seed pudding - 110
4 pizza bites- 240
1 spinach and tofu lasagne roll - 220
1 portion of steamed veggies - 75
1 bag chicken strips - 47
Calories - 1497 + muffin

So, this brings me to this week's weight after a rocky couple of weeks. 2 ounces up, but still 11 stone 11. I have the feeling 11 stone 11 is going to be one of my great weight loss nemeses. I'm going to smash it up and kick it in the balls though. This week, I just know it. Here's to a binge-free week and hopefully getting back into my good healthy habits.
Smashing that 11 stone 11 would be the icing on the cake (that I won't be eating of course)