Well, it has been an interesting couple of weeks. Two days after the last post I wrote I weighed myself and it was 11 stone 10. This was very exciting, but didn't stick around. Nothing majorly bad happened, but binges came back and so my eating habits and exercise habits slipped enormously. Particularly this last week I really didn't feel like exercising, and I went to McDonalds at least twice and stuffed myself. It left me feeling sluggish and even less motivated to stick with anything. I've gotten back into the exercise, though. On Friday I did a fun exercise DVD with a friend and Saturday I did a 5 km run. Today I am going to go out for a run too and then I'll be back at the gym tomorrow - minus a stop off at McDonalds! I'm breaking that habit.
I've managed to pull myself back into my good eating habits too. Do you want to know how? A magic muffin. Yes, I have managed to prevent binges by
eating a muffin. My mother and nephew made healthy fruit muffins and gave me a week's worth. I took one into work along with my usual food. It got to break time and my mind went to 'let's binge on cake and crisps and because you've already messed up you can go into McDonald's after work ahahahaha'. I reminded myself that I had an exciting muffin and this completely removed my binge thinking. I had to do some re-thinking of my eating plan though, as I sat down and worked out my calorie allowances. This re-working, however, allowed me the extra calories to eat my extra muffin. Woohoo! I am sticking to a limit of 1500-1750. This is what I ate:
1 banana chocolate muffin - 135
1 banana - 100
1 chocolate chip cookie - 170
1 magic muffin - ?
Handful of banana chips - 50
1 portion of stir fry - 350
1 chia seed pudding - 110
4 pizza bites- 240
1 spinach and tofu lasagne roll - 220
1 portion of steamed veggies - 75
1 bag chicken strips - 47
Calories - 1497 + muffin
So, this brings me to this week's weight after a rocky couple of weeks. 2 ounces up, but still 11 stone 11. I have the feeling 11 stone 11 is going to be one of my great weight loss nemeses. I'm going to smash it up and kick it in the balls though. This week, I just know it. Here's to a binge-free week and hopefully getting back into my good healthy habits.
Smashing that 11 stone 11 would be the icing on the cake (that I won't be eating of course)