Saturday, 26 October 2013

Week 38

Wow, I've just counted back and this is week 38 of my blog. If I was pregnant the baby would be arriving about now!
I've managed to lose three pounds this week so I'm back to 11 stone 11 -where I was back in August but that's ok. I want to finally get lower next week and I'm confident. My willpower is much better, I split a pizza in half and saved half for dinner and I ate it with vegetables and didn't binge or anything. I had one double milky way for dessert and that was it.

I've found a great load of recipes to cook for my meals until Christmas and I'm quietly confident. A friend has invited me to do a 5km run every week so that will be great. I just need to keep up the exercise and good eating and not bingeing next week and I hope to see that elusive 11 stone 10 next week!

Just for reference, I started out at 13 stone 5. I'm now 1 stone 8 lbs lighter. It's taken me 9 months to lose 22 lbs, works out about 0.5lbs a week. And I still have 32 lbs left to lose. Gulp. It can't take me another 9 months, God help me. 

This week's weight:

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Positive Weekend

I swear I took photos between the last post and this one, but I'm not sure what I did with them. I haven't lost any weight, in fact I have put it on. I am up to 12 stone as of Monday. I think this might be partially a period induced kind of bloat, but I did keep bingeing last week. I was up to 12 stone 2 the Friday before and I spent all weekend eating and boozing, so I'm assuming that it was inflated. I'm hoping to be back in the 11s this week, and then to do some good work during half term next week! I realised that my motivation and willpower was off due to TOM. Now, and next week I'll be feeling much better.
I got some good motivation this weekend from some friends who kept commenting on how much weight I'd lost and saying they were proud of my new exercise routine. The comments and positive praise are what had me in my pyjamas just after 8 this evening so that I could not get in the car and drive to McDonalds and eat chips until I exploded. I am going to go and make myself a snack, though - I think tonight I am actually hungry not just bingey. And it would be really embarrassing to rock up at McDonalds in my snowflake pjs....
I wanted to go for a run tonight but it is actually chucking it down with rain. Tomorrow I'll be gymming it and then I'm going to plan my routine for next week - a week's holiday. I'm hoping to break the back of the 11s and get back into my downhill streak. I have a meet up with friends at the end of November, and I'd like to look a little fitter by then.
My new goals are to be at 10 stone 10 by the end of the year/Christmas, and work on being 9 stone 3 by Easter. I originally said Valentine's Day but I'd like to be realistic so I don't keep missing my goals and being disappointed. So, 1 stone 4 lbs to lose in 12 weeks by the end of the year. 18 lbs. not sure, but I'd like it to be do-able. I've rediscovered my motivation and I'm going to be switching up my exercise routine so fingers crossed! I'm just about to go and look up waterproof running gear....

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


It's the first of October.  12 weeks until Christmas including this one.  Potential to lose 24lbs at a rate of 2lbs per week. For some people this is totally doable.  Hopefully I'm one of those people. That would put me at 10 stone 3 with less than a stone to lose till my goal weight. Significantly less than a stone, like just 10lbs. I would hit my dating goal weight around the end of November so potential Christmas romance.  Wouldn't that be lovely?

Yesterday I ended up skipping a meal due to eating lunch at dinner time so I had a couple of pieces of toast before bed.  No biggie.  Today I had one individual packet of crisps, a grab bag of minstrels, 2 curly wurlies and a double milky way in addition to my usual meals.  Alarmingly this is a minor binge by my standards but notice I only got and consumed ONE individual bag of crisps.  That's huge for me and the temptation had been there.  I'm feeling satiated and I'm taking(and leaving) the chocs to work tomorrow- yes, I didn't consume them all!!!! I've signed up for extra classes at the gym and I'll go running.  My breakfast is protein and vegetables and fruit. I've calculated that TOM symptoms may begin next week so I want to shore up my defences by a good loss this week.  COME ON!!!!
I'm going to get some water now and pack my meals for tomorrow. I think I signed up for yoga tomorrow, then zumba on Thurs, pilates on Fri and yoga on Sunday.  I just need to keep strong.  I'm going to set my phone screen saver as something inspirational and maybe I'll print something out for my purse.  I need to do this.  Need to. Fare thee well 11 stone 13. I bid you adieu.