Saturday, 30 March 2013

Week 8 - a little early

And no it isn't early because there is good news. I don't think I will have the chance to weigh in on Magical Sunday so I thought best do it today or not at all. After going to McDonalds and getting an Indian last night, I have put on a pound. So we're back to 12.13. At least this is still in the 12's though. I must admit that the hopeful part of me is hoping that this is probably because I haven't finished digesting the Indian yet - actually, I'm pretty sure this is true. It would have been better to weigh in tomorrow, and if I get a chance I may still do so. If I don't get the chance, I think I will re-weigh on Tuesday and go from there.

I am now on 2 weeks Easter holidays so my usual plans are a bit different. Today, tomorrow and Monday I am going to do whatever I like. I will make healthy eating choices where possible, and if I can't then I won't worry about it. I won't be able to go for a run or any other 'traditional' exercise so I'm expecting to feel fairly sluggish. I have plans with family for the next three days though, so I will make the most of that and enjoy it. Come Tuesday the weight loss plateau plan of attack begins in earnest. Duh, duh DUUUUH!

I've been reading about plateaus and it advises to switch things up and force your body to adapt to the new changes. I'll kick start it the next few days by eating whatever I want and not exercising (!!) and then I am going to shock it by returning crisps and non-rice carbs back to my stomach. I've had a very similar routine for eating since January, so I do need to change it or I'll get bored and I'm wondering if mainly consisting on fruit/veggies, rice and wholewheat bread might be making my metabolism sluggish. I need to remind myself that fat and protein are good for you to.

 Breakfast will be more protein-based. I'm going to change the fibre aspect from toast to cereal, and I'm going to throw in scrambled egg (poss even with dairy-free cheese) and a fruit smoothie with dairy-free yogurt and 100% fruit juice if I can find any. I have got into the diet mindset that fruit juice=unnecessary sugar and calories, and that just isn't true in moderation. Lunch - I'm going to go old school and return to sandwiches, crisps and maybe a salad. Also a low-calorie dessert (I've got fruit 10 cal jellies chilling in the fridge as we speak). Dinner will probably continue as before, but where I have the choice I am going to go with something a bit more interesting, and a little less meat-rice-veg. Maybe wholewheat tortilla pizzas with dairy free cheese, shitloads of veggies and some chicken pieces. Mmmmm. And I'm going to ramp up the exercise even more. I'm still figuring out how to do this (expect another blog post in half an hour, haha!) as I completely chickened out of going swimming the last two days as I 1) do not want to spend the amount of money that is necessary without a membership, and I don't want to get a membership if I can't even make myself go for two experimental days! and 2) I'm terrified at the thought of running into anyone I know/have ever met in a swimming costume. Bleurgh. Running is good and I can use some of my equipment at home. I might be able to do a couple of days of DVDs but I can't use them on a regular basis due to being in a shared house. I'm going to need to think this through......

Positive changes ahoy!

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