Friday, 15 March 2013

No sign of that 12 yet..

I caved and weighed myself today. It was the same as last Sunday but this was after I had eaten my breakfast and fully clothed. Still, I have been to McDonalds and the chippie this week in spite of doing well with the not-bingeing so I should be happy not to have gained! I also caved and ate a brownie that apparently had over 500 calories in it... it was delicious though, so I am making the effort not to be too disappointed in myself and to just enjoy it as it was better than bingeing on stupid stuff all week like I usually would.

My plan before weigh in on Sunday is to up my exercise amount, keep off the fast food and stick to not bingeing. I have really had to fight myself on several occassions not to go and buy a stack of milky ways or several bags of popcorn. I just need to break the overeating mentality but it is really, really hard. I'm struggling.

I am still fully intending to start running on Monday come hell or high water. I am also taking up a zumba class with a friend next week and I have my new exercise space that I am wondering if I would have room to do an exercise dvd or two in. This is hard work. I need a positive number on the scales this week to keep my motivation up otherwise I'm going to fall off the wagon again :-(

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