Monday, 25 February 2013

It turns out that losing 3 lbs makes you cocky. And hungry. Not hungry, bingey. And I hate being bingey. Since yesterday's weigh in I have eaten McDonalds (with two portions of chips two entire bags of mini eggs, an entire bag of popcorn and 4 milky ways. On top of normal meals. I don't understand where this has come from. I ate normally (apart from the soup, which admittedly I had for lunch today as well as rice was scheduled for dinner time instead) so it's not like I'm starving!

I did put my leg weights on to go for my usual walk though. Yesterday I thought the leg weights might have been pulling my legs off as my hip was aching a bit but it seems ok today although my back aches a bit. This could be any number of things though, not necessarily walking-related.

Must keep motivated this week.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Week three

Following on from yesterday's post today was my much-anticipated weigh in. Wait for it... wait for it.... Today I am proud to be able to tell you that I can't show you how much difference there is in the photos when you lose 2lbs. This is because I have lost 3 lbs! I literally cannot believe it. So instead, I can show you how much the difference is when you are 3lbs down. (The answer is not a lot, but it's a start!).

This puts my weight at officially 13 stone, 1 pound and 6 ounces (although I am not counting the ounces because that's depressing!). Three pounds down, 48 to go....

With that here are the pictures. In all the excitement, I tried to take front and back ones too to mark the occasion. The occasion obviously being the last time I will ever weigh 13.1 stone in my life so it's best to take photos to remember!

The happiest scales in the world:

Front and back: (Check out the delightful stretch marks, also it's really hard to take photos of your own back!)

Standard sides:

 I must admit, if nothing else, taking these photos every week at least encourages me to look in the mirror. That is one benefit - usually I avoid this as much as possible, but sometimes I think it can be beneficial to see what the world sees.
I'm also feeling particularly spurred on as I have realised that if I lose my predicted 2 lbs this week, then this time next Sunday I will be sitting in the 12s on the scales. I may have to have a mini party if when that happens. Imagine! All that time ago when I was nearly 16 stone, the very notion of getting down to 12 stone anything seemed daunting. Now it is just 1 pound and 7 measly ounces away. That's nothing! Fingers crossed for this week!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Motivations and goals!

It is the night before official weigh-in and photos and, oddly, I am feeling both motivated and defeated. I caved yesterday and weighed myself. I had, indeed, lost 2 lbs. This news thrilled me so much that I had scrambled egg and fruit instead of a McDonalds breakfast! Alas, it did not sustain me long enough to prevent me from crumbling and getting Domino's pizza for dinner. I can safely assume then, that if the pizza wasn't enough to add the 2 lbs back on then the bloating from the cheese will probably do it! I'm not looking forward to the 'official' weighing tomorrow.

It has caused me to do more exercise though. Furthermore in an effort to drive myself out for a walk despite the pitiful excuse for 'snow' I turned to motivational quotes online and decided to set myself up with some concrete goals and rewards. As one of the images I saw said 'don't reward yourself with food - you are not a dog!' I realised that I would probably do that if left to my own devices, also, you would think that working in a school would have made me apply the principle of motivational smaller goals on the way to a larger objective to my own life, wouldn't you? Well, better late than never!

So, irrespective of what the scales say tomorrow, these are my goals:
Goal #1 - 12 stone 10. I have been longing to see those numbers for a long time as it will mark the official 3 stone lost and halfway point. My reward for this will be to get my eyebrows threaded. I realise that this might seem strange, but it is better than a trip to Maccy D's, isn't it? Depending on the timing of it, I might throw in a haircut as an added treat - the fun never stops here!
Goal #2 - 11 stone 10. I'm not sure if it is a good idea to have one whole stone between goals or not. I suppose I can always adjust them later if I get stuck or need an extra kick. This one is inspired by my original dr, who commented that she wouldn't usually give the type of medication I was on to someone 'over 75 kilos'. I believe, although my conversion skills are not the greatest, that this would put me around 75 kg in weight. Considering I started at 99 kg, that just blows my mind!!! My motivational reward for this one will be a bottle of seductive perfume. When I hit this weight, I will only be 10 lbs away from being in the healthy bmi range. I will be 4 stone lighter than when I started and, indeed, lighter than when I was in my last serious relationship. Therefore it will be time to face the opposite sex again. Seductive perfume will boost my confidence!
Goal #3 - 11 stone. I am slipping this in as it will mark the time in my life when I officially made it back into the 'healthy' BMI range. At this point it is 2 stone 4 pounds away and that seems like forever. This goal is currently 32 pounds away from me, which is about the amount I have lost up until now.... at the risk of demotivating myself AGAIN, I am sincerely hoping that it doesn't take me a further year to make it down to 11 stone!!! If I can lose 2 pounds a week, every week, then that makes it a short 16 weeks away. That's just 4 months. Admittedly, that will push me past my original goal but it is nothing to be sneezed at!!! The reward for this will to purchase a new pair of earrings.
Goal #4 - 10 stone 10. I realise this is 4 pounds away from goal 3. Still, this was my original target weight before I decided to adopt the 'in for a penny, in for a pound' approach and take my weight down into the 9 stones. I will be over the moon to reach this stage, and I imagine that it will be harder to lose weight the closer to my ultimate goal I get. This will likely be around the summer time, so I am trying to think of an appropriate motivational reward. I assume that my weight loss will be really quite noticeable around this point, so I am thinking mini shopping spree in celebration. With gorgeous, low dress size clothes that show off my fabulous new figure!
Goal #5 - 9 stone 10. Wow. 6 stone down. Time to bring out the big guns - New boots. FMBs. I hope I will be needing them!
Goal #6 - 9 stone 7. ultimate target weight, and the lowest I have been since I was about 14 years old. My reward for this is a new tattoo. Well, I say new, by new I mean first. I know exactly what I want and when better to have it done than when my body is in perfect shape.

Ok. There we have it. So, 8 pounds to go until the first reward! 8 pounds seems such a measly amount but it will be hard work. I'm glad to see that I know what I am working towards, hopefully it will keep me motivated although I will add in extra goals if I find the gaps too long.

Until tomorrow and the 'official' weigh in. Gulp.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Rediscovering Soup!

My plans for today have fallen through, particularly weight loss wise. I was expecting to look after my niece and nephew this evening and I was hoping to drag them to the park and get us all a bit of exercise! Instead, I am taking care of my sick niece, so we'll be stuck inside all day.
I'm having soup instead of something carb-heavy for lunch today to try and counteract the lack of exercise. Hmm, I'm not convinced it'll work either but it can't hurt to try! I've got some packet miso soup with sea vegetables. It tastes vile but is easily swallowed! And it is good for you. I'd love to try to find some soups that I could eat on a regular basis. I have a little flask I could take to work with it in. I used to love this Miso soup paste you could buy and mix with hot water - it didn't taste too bad, it was quick to prepare and it was healthy. Then I discovered it is actually made with fish stock and I don't eat fish. So that was off the menu! I managed to find non-fish stock Miso soup but it doesn't taste as good, which is a real shame. Now I'm looking for other soups that are easy to prepare and easy to eat that I can enjoy! I'm not a big soup fan but I know it is so good for weight loss. I'll start searching now....

Monday, 18 February 2013

Motivational stuff

I have just finished setting up weight lost and weight to lose tickers at the bottom of my blog! I'm already feeling surprisingly motivated as I seeing the figures in black and white seems to make it more impressive. 30 lbs lost! Woo hoo!

However,  I have been googling around and it is starting to look as though 3 and a half stone in what is really 5 months is a tad unrealistic. I guess if you throw in the PCOS inability to lose weight then that probably pushes it up to highly unrealistic. Nevertheless, aim high! I've put my total goal weight loss down on the ticker thingy, as it occurs to me that I'd like to lose the weight by the summer. The summer holiday starts around the 25th ish of July (unless we have to make up a couple of training days that got snowed off) so that gives me an extra four weeks or so. And what is an additional 4 lbs or so between friends?

Now, I just need to keep working towards losing 2lbs this week. That would really, seriously help to keep me on top of things. The mini eggs I just ate probably didn't help though.... ARGH! I can't wait for it to be this time next year, when my slim, svelte self is reading this back and reminiscing about the long-gone days when she was fat and had no idea how to stop overeating and just wanted desperately to magically be thin. I hope it's working out for you, babe ;-)

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Plan of attack

Ok, so if I have calculated correctly then I have 48 (more) pounds to lose before the end of June. That leaves me with 19 more weeks. So, a weight loss of 2.5lbs a week to achieve that goal. Gulp.

That doesn't sound very do-able at the moment. Week one I have lost exactly 14 ounces which is only almost one pound! But Rome wasn't built in a day and I do have a very loose sort of plan as to how to achieve this.  Even if I only manage 2lbs a week then that is still nearly 3 stone that I will have lost. Even 1 lb a week wouldn't be the end of the world - that would put me at 11 stone 13 which is still brilliant; that would mean I had lost almost 4 stone in 18 months! However, I like to dream big so let's aim high! 3 1/2 stone by the end of June!

Moving on to my very loose plan. This involves a brief back story. I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which is what led to me putting on so much weight in the first place, due to being prescribed the wrong kind of hormonal treatment to try and control it in the first place. I am also lactose intolerant which I think added to the problem as it has only come to light recently and I think the lactose that I consumed extensively and excessively probably exacerbated a lot of my weight issues. I crave carbs like you wouldn't believe and I am not a big fan of eating meat. I also live with family members who do not support weight loss or fitness goals and I am quite a private person; it is hard to hide weight loss and I really, really don't want to talk to anyone about it! I have very little money as I have a part time job which has also made me really lazy and I will shortly be investigating a second job before I go insane and/or bankrupt. I have taken the pill sporadically since being diagnosed with PCOS, mostly for its intended purpose, rather than the excellent PCOS side effects and as I am currently single I am no longer taking it. I hope this will also help with weight loss.

So, with this all in mind - my loose plan at last! As it is Lent, I have given up crisps. This is one of my hugest weaknesses. If someone told me that giving up chocolate forever would make me drop 4 stone instantly, I wouldn't hesitate. I'm not convinced that I could do the same if the deal was with crisps instead. I often find that people on diets seem to focus on chocolate-alternatives as if that was the deal-breaker in sticking to a diet. However, I could cheerfully give that up and do so. There are not so many healthy crisp alternatives. Something that is salty and crunchy. Popcorn is a good alternative but sometimes I wish there was something else! In my 19 weeks (or at least, during Lent) I hope to discover sufficient crisp alternatives to enable me to give them up entirely. I hope that by not overeating crisps this will aid my weightloss.
I work in a school and so it is virtually impossible to snack. I also pack my own lunches and I get a big kick out of trying to make them healthy and interesting, so I hope that this is one area of my diet that I can control healthfully. I am going to limit the amount of coffee that I drink at work too as I think that tea, and a lack of caffeine in general help with weight loss too.
I have reworked my breakfasts into including either wholegrain toast/wholegrain Ryvita with dairyfree spread and fruit. That's pretty good, right?
Finally, exercise. My diet, even with all the things previously mentioned has never been that bad. The only thing that has ever made an impact in my weight loss to date has been exercise. As I have zero money, I am intending to take up running. Yes, I laughed too. I also have a mountain of exercise DVDs, plus a Tesco brand rowing type implement (it was £6 if that gives you any indication of what it might consist of) and some kind of spinny plate as well as an exercise ball and yoga equipment. When I get paid at the end of the month, I'm really hoping that I can budget out enough money to drag my fat arse swimming once a week or so. I think I'll write a separate post about exercise later.

Well, this is where I am right now. I hope to learn a lot and share it here along with my progress. I've already eaten two Milky Ways whilst writing this, so I have a long way to go! Here's to the next two pounds of weight to be lost.....

Week 2!

Ok, so how does 2lbs of glorious weight loss look? Well, at this point in time I'm afraid I couldn't tell you. This is not because I have exceeded that, unfortunately it is because I weighed myself this morning and the results are in: 13 stones 4.2 lbs. I'm counting this as 1lb weight loss, as I'm sure that 2 ounces can't mean that much. Still, at least it is 1lb in the right direction! (down instead of up) That makes my BMI 30.5 according to the NHS calculator ( which puts me at almost the boundary between obese and overweight. I can't tell you how excited I will be to make it down into the "overweight" BMI range! (Well, not  half as excited as I will be to be in the "healthy" category but still... baby steps!)
I work in a school and had half term this week, involving going away with my extended family. Whilst we had a lot of exercise, there was also a 3 course buffet meal and eating out involved. I'm slightly hoping that I haven't lost 2lbs because I have put on some weight in muscle through swimming and wrestling with my nieces and nephews - ever the optimist! Still, I didn't help yesterday by preparing for my weekly weigh-in with a lunch at McDonalds and eating an entire bag of triple chocolate cookies to myself. It isn't hard to see how I got in this mess is it! Well, here we are then, the photos of 1lb of weight loss!

Why yes, I am wearing my fancy knickers today! It has occurred to me that maybe I should always wear the same underwear, but I'm sure that today it doesn't really matter.

So, 1lb down. 48 to go.... Fingers crossed for 2lbs by next Sunday - that should take me, ecstatically, into the overweight BMI range! Woohoo!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Starting off!

So, today let's kick everything off. I officially weigh: 13.5 stone, 85kg. (this is weighed individually on my scale, not converted - why have a scale that weighs in three units and bark yourself!)
This is down from 99 kg in January 2012, so I think this is a good improvement. However, I would like it to be a lot more and I would like to lose 3.5 stone by the end of June. (I'm aware I'm mixing metric and imperial measurements, well such is life in Britain!) This is around 2lbs a week, and I'm hopeful. Well, sort of. I'm hoping blogging, and looking at progressive photos will help. I sort of wish I had taken photos when I started out but I'm sort of glad I didn't! So, this time next week hopefully I will be down 2lbs. Let's see!