Thursday, 21 February 2013

Rediscovering Soup!

My plans for today have fallen through, particularly weight loss wise. I was expecting to look after my niece and nephew this evening and I was hoping to drag them to the park and get us all a bit of exercise! Instead, I am taking care of my sick niece, so we'll be stuck inside all day.
I'm having soup instead of something carb-heavy for lunch today to try and counteract the lack of exercise. Hmm, I'm not convinced it'll work either but it can't hurt to try! I've got some packet miso soup with sea vegetables. It tastes vile but is easily swallowed! And it is good for you. I'd love to try to find some soups that I could eat on a regular basis. I have a little flask I could take to work with it in. I used to love this Miso soup paste you could buy and mix with hot water - it didn't taste too bad, it was quick to prepare and it was healthy. Then I discovered it is actually made with fish stock and I don't eat fish. So that was off the menu! I managed to find non-fish stock Miso soup but it doesn't taste as good, which is a real shame. Now I'm looking for other soups that are easy to prepare and easy to eat that I can enjoy! I'm not a big soup fan but I know it is so good for weight loss. I'll start searching now....

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