The gym is paying off. Last week I weighed 12 stone 11, the same as the week before. This week? 12 stone 8, and it flickered on 12 stone 7 before it settled down. That is a loss of 3 pounds. Three pounds!!! I've passed my 12 stone 10 goal (although, frustratingly, I have a welt on my eyebrow at the moment so I can't get them threaded in spite of all my hard work!) and I am nearly a stone down overall. A stone!!
I haven't had a chance to take photos yet but I will put them up later.
I am going to go to the gym and go swimming tomorrow as it is the bank holiday. On Tuesday I start work a bit later as I have a course, so I'm going to spend an hour at the gym beforehand. On Wednesday I intend to gym+swim like I did last week and Thursday, Friday and Sunday I have already booked classes at the gym - pilates, yoga, aqua aerobics again and I think something else I've forgotten. The excitement is growing. Can I make another 3 lbs loss next week?!
I've started the 30 day squat challenge, and I did day 1 yesterday. Day 2 again today! I'm doing squats with weights and stretching up after the squat (I'm sure there's a proper name for it, but I did it with the personal trainer at the gym and I was too busy trying not to actually pass out and throw up that I either didn't listen or didn't remember it). It was pretty tough going with 50 to start with, I'm not looking forward to some of the massive jumps. This is the one I'm following, I've added the crunches in too and I'm going to throw in the plank challenge as well:
(copyright to the tumblr poster I got this from - the name is above in the image)
I am determined to shift this freakinig plateau and make it at least into the 11 stones, if not well into the 11 stones before my birthday. I am DETERMINED! I will come back later to post photos, and all being well next week I will have hit a stone down and I will post progress pics again. Woo hoo!
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