I weighed myself this morning and, yep, back to 12 stone 8. Phew. Although I am upset that it has taken so very, very long to lose my hormonal weight. It coincides nicely with my going away for the weekend where undoubtedly I will eat crap and do no exercise. I also had to cancel both of my classes at the gym this morning as I just did not have time. I did fulfill my eyebrow threading reward though, booya, I bet I've lost a pound right there!
As an interesting exercise, I went back to the start of the blog as I was wondering if I had lost even a stone yet (I haven't.) I put together two of the photos, one from the first photo blog entry at 13 stone 5 and one from the last lot of photos I uploaded, 11 lbs lighter. Yeesh, seeing it like that it does look like a great achivement. 11 lbs?? That's a lot, isn't it!? I'm sure I can see a difference. What do you all think?
My stomach seems a little flatter, my back fat sits a little better and there is more definition between my arse and my thighs.
I have a couple of other confessions too! This morning I was forced to go clothes shopping due to a lack of clothes that fit coinciding with some clothes shop sales as I have no money. I had to buy a pair of jeans and a new pair of work trousers. My current jeans are size 16 and my work trousers are size 18. I think I was having a particularly depressed day when I bought my work trousers and I think maybe they were a little big when i got them, but not
that big. Now they are definitely too big, and I can't spend my time working in a secondary school hoiking my trousers up every five minutes because they are falling off. The trousers I bought today? Jeans - size 14, work trousers - size 14. Yeaaaaah, baby! The jeans are just fine but admittedly the work trousers forced me into a bit of a muffin top. They feel comfortable though and I bought them anyway - I only have one more week at work before the week's school holiday, so I will work on working out over the next two weeks and I will go back to work after the holiday in my size 14 trousers. I. Can. Hardly. Wait!!!
I'm also feeling better about my body in general. More confident, even. I think the exercise is certainly helping me tone up and I can see parts of my body that I finally like. Whilst trying on my new jeans this morning I spent actually ages just staring at my arse. It's nice, isn't it? Shapely and getting toned. I think you can see the definition a little bit in the newest photo above on the left. I'm quite proud of my arse. And my stomach definitely sticks out a bit less. I think my breasts have got a bit smaller and with it firmer, which is fabulous news. One of my biggest issues is still my upper arm flab, and I think it has got fractionally more toned but clearly it is somewhere I need to work more on. Hmm, I might have to investigate more upper arm muscle exercises....
All in all, I'm feeling so positive at the moment. The last week of May is my school's holiday so I intend to go to the gym every.single.damn.day if it is even a little bit possible as I would LOVE to somehow make it into the 11's before June, or at the beginning of June. That is 8 mere pounds away, if I could get 1 lbs off by Sunday (well, monday as I will be away for the Sunday weigh-in) and lose 2 lbs next week, that gives me just 5 lbs to lose in the following two weeks.... Eek!