Monday, 3 March 2014

40 days to turn my life around.

I've got a plan. I've got a good plan that would make me happy, that's realistic and doable and would lead me to be able to say, when I'm 90 years old and reflective, that I've lived a life that's full. And yet, I'm not doing any of that. I attribute a lot more than I probably should to my weight and how it affects my life. I feel like I can't get anywhere with the excess weight and weight problem that I have and the fact that I spend a lot of money on bingeing! Lent starts tomorrow (as far as I'm concerned ;-) ) and I'm taking this as a 40 days to get a hold on my life. Break the back of the weight I have left to lose and with a new order in my life be able to move ahead with my other plans. And maybe get laid. Just throwing that out there ;-)
My plans. I'm going to gather my strength and resistance (especially as hormones are NOT on my side right now) and give up desirous things, as is tradition with Lent. These things will help me avoid temptation and with Lent as my willpower I hope that I can last.
What I am giving up, in black and white: crisps, popcorn, bread, packaged chocolate bars, donuts, pastries, cakes and cookies that I haven't baked myself, rice and pasta that contains gluten, any food from a Fast Food restaurant. Processed carbs and sugars basically. I think these things will help to curb my cravings and binges. I really, really hope so.
What I will be doing: eating plenty of meat, vegetables and fruit. I will go to the gym three times a week and run three times a week until the end of March. Then I'm going to take up a Karate class and join a new gym. I'm going to do it this time, I really am!
Bring it on. I need to do this.